Joseph's Story

Joseph's Story - KitePride

He was abandoned by his parents at a very young age and given over to his aunt. From the age of 15 to 35, because of his circumstances, he began to sell himself on the streets as a female since it made more money. Once his aunt passed away, he made the decision to escape, and also return to living his life as a male. He was so determined to make it on his own that he lived daily on the brink of homelessness and at times shared dog food with his dog. An organization, Turning Tables, took him in and taught him how to sew. They contacted us saying that he had no family, was on his own, and would greatly benefit from working and learning with us here at kitepride. He has been such an asset to our workplace where he can be heard singing and his smile and persevering spirit is so contagious. There was a time when he had no song to sing and lived in fear and hopelessness, so how incredibly wonderful to hear him joyful and feeling safe. He is no longer alone because we are his family. It is those like Joseph that make what we do so worth it. Without your support, none of this would be possible.